When you are dating, you need to be able to make a good first impression. It isn’t just based on how you look, your body language can say a lot without you even having to talk. Here are some tips in using your body language to make someone fall in love with you.
- Eye contact. Eye contact is important when you are trying to get to know people. If you can look into someone’s eyes, you are saying that you are listening and you want to have a relationship. If you look away or get on our phone, you are saying that you don’t think they are interesting. This is very rude and making eye contact is very important to show them that you want more.
- Flirting should be coy and sexy. It can include biting your lip or twisting your hair. This lets your partner know that you are interested without having to say it. It also takes the pressure off of them having to guess. It is important to not be pushy. You don’t want someone to think you are overly aggressive.
- Be smart. Show your partner that you are smart and intelligent. Talk about something that you are passionate about. Don’t pretend to know things that you don’t. Your potential interest might catch you in a lie and cause you to be embarrassed.
- If you are interested in someone, just make an appropriate touch. Put your hand on their arm or touch their arm with your thumb. This signals that you are interested. Don’t go below the waste unless they are giving you signals that they are open such as touching your knee.
- Get closer. Show your potential partner that you are interested in what they are saying by leaning in closer. Make sure you don’t get too close and invade their personal space, but you want them to feel like you are comfortable. If they lean back, it can be uncomfortable or show they aren’t interested.
- Don’t cross your arms. If you fold your arms over your chest then it can come across that you are bored or that you are standoffish. Even if you don’t mean to be closed off, crossing your arms can send a picture that you aren’t interested. Always pay attention to where you put your arms. Keep them folded on the table or by your side.