Pocketing is a red flag in a relationship and something that has been around for years, though it might not have had a name. Pocketing is when your partner hides you from people they know but calls you when they want to be around you or hang out.
Some people are private and like to keep things quiet, but if your partner isn’t letting you meet their family or friends, then there is a problem. Pocketing is when you meet their friends accidentally, and they introduce you as a friend or try to get away before answering who you are.
Things Seemed Good
Sometimes, things seem great, and you share the same feelings and thoughts as your partner. Maybe you are even planning vacations together. You are talking to your friends and family about your relationship, but one thing feels off—your partner hasn’t posted anything about you, nor have you met any of their friends or family members.
You might be wondering what is going on. The truth is, your partner might be pocketing you. This term comes from the idea that your partner is hiding you and metaphorically putting you in their pocket.
Why Is He Pocketing You?
Sometimes, your partner might have problems with intimacy and be someone who is afraid of committing to anyone. They might like you and think the world of you, but they may just not be ready.
Another reason people pocket others is that they may have another relationship or they might feel embarrassed about you.
Asking Him
You should ask your partner why you aren’t meeting their family or friends. Find out if they are hiding you, and express your feelings about this. This is something you should never keep to yourself. If you haven’t met anyone important in their life, chances are that you aren’t being made a priority.
The response they give can tell you a lot about who they are and what your relationship means to them. If they change the conversation and act like they don’t want to talk about it, this is a red flag you need to notice. If they address your concerns, then you might be on the right path with them.
Final Thoughts
Even though good communication is key, if you feel that you are being pocketed, you are not in a good place right now. You need to talk to your partner or consider speaking to a counselor to help you. Don’t ignore your gut feeling if you sense that you aren’t being treated right.