Howdy! I’m Karen. I’m the founder, author and webmaster of this site. I’m honored you’re here. I’m from Texas, so I reckon y’all may notice that I write with a bit of an accent!
My goal is to create the best website that I can, and I’d like to help you. I truly hope that the information in the blog posts on this site will contribute to happiness and contentment in your relationships.
I’ve been a professional therapist specializing in relationships for more than 21 years. I also humbly offer the wisdom that comes with age and personal experience.
I draw much inspiration from my late father. He was always positive, kind, cheerful, and considerate. I’m filled with gratitude for him and my mother, for the love they shared with each other and with me, and for the wonderful beginning they built for my life.
If you came here seeking personal coaching or counseling, I’m going to be a disappointment. I am no longer ina position to help you personally, as I am now focused to helping people through this blog. More than 11,000 people access the site every day, and you are one of probably about 50 on here right now.
I commend you for seeking help, and I hope I can help get you going in the right direction. Please initiate contact with some licensed, professional therapists, and don’t settle on one until you find the one that you trust, who really understands you and takes the time to connect with you in a personal and genuine way.
I spend most of my time now writing and maintaining this blog. Many thanks are due to Jennifer, my trusted virtual assistant. She does all of my editing, checks my email box when I’m not available, and handles many day-to-day administrative tasks. She consistently outperforms, going above and beyond what I need or expect. She’s always there for me with advice and new ideas.
After I graduated from college, I worked briefly as a nurse for a family doctor. I was studying to work as a pharmacy tecnician when the course of my life was changed and I chose instead to become a professional counselor.
Before starting this blog, I worked with individuals and couples for 15 years. I received specialized training in multiple areas, including grief counseling, addiction, and counseling for young people. I’ve also woked extensively with people suffering from trauma, anxiety and depression.
Above all else, I value openness and honesty both in my personal therapy sessions and in my blog posts. I know that integrity, empathy, kindness and self-awareness also play key roles in personal growth. I believe in the value of second chances, third chances and especially when young people are concerned, as many chances as are needed.
So you’ve made mistakes? I have, too. Such is life, and we’re all learning as we change and grow. I want this blog to be a warm and caring place that inspires people to share their struggles and gain insight and a positive perspective in their struggels and difficult moments.
If you’re finding that your life is a struggle, please hang in there. I know you can. I know that you were born not just to survive but to thrive. I believe in you. I want you to hold on to that belief, too.
I hope through this blog to increase your awareness, knowledge, and understanding of human relationships and the psychology underpinning them. This should help you feel empowered when facing any type of challenges in your relationships. I want you to feel empowered to be bold and courageous enough to make the changes that are necessary to overcome the problems you face. This will ultimately help you regain happiness and peace of mind.
Here’s a little bit about me personally. My husband of 27 years and I have one grown daughter. She’s married and expecting our first grandhild in fall. My husband and I love to walk our dogs, garden, cook, and spend time with family and friends. Oh, and we work to pay it forward to organizations that make a difference in the world.